THE PEAK Live at Blue Light Sessions for Music Heals

On Sunday, September 20th, 102.7 THE PEAK was LIVE at Blue Light Sessions for Music Heals, hosted by Tyler and Lynch.
Celebrate the power of music with us and learn how Music Heals brings music therapy services to Canadians in need.
Watch performances from Dear Rouge, The Zolas, Hotel Mira and Post-Modern Connection.
We also chat with some of the artists and other special guests about the healing power of music. Mebrat Beyene of WISH Drop-In Centre in Vancouver talks about how music therapy helps vulnerable women in the Downtown Eastside.
If you missed the live event, that's ok! You can still watch the show right here and donate if you can. DONATE HERE
Thanks to our partners:
Blue Light Sessions
SoundON BC
Music BC
Russell Brewing Company
Nutrl Voda
Tempo Craft Gin
Yes Guy Hard Iced Tea
About Music Heals:
Since 2012, Music Heals has raised awareness and funds to increase access to music therapy for vulnerable Canadians. Music Heals supports a wide range of music therapy services in communities in BC and across Canada. They increase access to music therapy for patients in children’s hospitals, seniors centres, palliative care, AIDS & HIV programs, at-risk youth, rehabilitation, and bereavement support. To date Music Heals has funded over 32,000 music therapy sessions for Canadians in need.
Unfortunately, due to restricted funding, music therapy is often inaccessible to those who need it most. Since it is not covered through medical plans, this makes your consideration to support music therapy crucial.
Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, Music Therapists are still on the frontline helping Canadians in need with end of life care, in children’s hospitals, in neonatal care and in vulnerable communities like the Vancouver Downtown East Side.
Learn more at